If you don’t know where you are going, how will you get there?

Elisabeth Bünger
3 min readJan 16, 2022

Passive income is the road to independence

There is a door open for those who can create value for others through their passion. The industrial age is over and creators are starting to build their independence in the digital world.

What you seek is seeking you — Rumi

If you know what you like to do, what you are good at doing, what the world need and what you can do to please this need, you have a business idea. The next step is to create a strategy to make this idea come to life.

I found something in India

When i came home from India in 2019 after four months of yoga school, I wanted to start a digital yoga academy. Many others have come up with that idea. So I wanted to come up with a new way to introduce people to yoga.

I see yoga as a state of mind that we reach when we learn how to realize ourselves in all categories of life. The categories that concerns our health and fitness, finances, relationships, our vision for the future etc.

The Path From The Past

After reading the book Atomic Habits, I decided to create 28 day programs with small habits engineered to enhance life towards a specific path, aimed at enhancing these categories. But before we start a process that takes us towards our goals, it is a good idea to have a foundation where our physical, emotional, and mental needs are taken care of. When these layers of our Self are taken care of, we’ll have the energy to evolve in all directions.

Are you guided by your values?

When we know our values, it is easier to be our own guide while taking decisions. Our values are the seeds we planted in the past, that make us feel more or less comfortable in different situations.

When looking at my past I find 4 values that I use as my pillars, to guide me in all decisions i take regarding relationships, work, my daily structure etc.

I want freedom to grow my creativity in a way where I am at service for others.

If I leave any of these values behind, I become a ticking bomb.

Look at your timeline

We find a lot of useful information when we empower our past. You will find your values in the important moments that created your character. These moments are found before you turn 25. Look back at your life and find the moments that changed you to find the core values that will help you take better decisions for the future.

I was 12 when I decided to leave all my friends behind

To be able to find the community where I could be my authentic self. A choice guided by three of my values: Freedom, growth and creativity. Your values will be most visible when you look at the moments where you went through something painful, that brought you to happiness.

Find your IKIGAI

When you know your values, it is easier to work on your life purpouse, your IKIGAI. The Japanese system of self- awareness. A system that reveals what our character wants to do. I used IKIGAI to frame a sentence that reminds me of where I am doing. I want to help people realize themselves in every category in life to find happiness.

To find our IKIGAI we need to ask ourselves four questions

  • What do you love?
  • What are you good at?
  • What does the world need?
  • What can you be paid for?

When you have figured out your IKIGAI and know your values you will know where you want to go. We might not have the capacity to reach the goal of our journey now, but why would we want to go there so fast?

Living our IKIGAI is the goal.

What is important for you right now?

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